• Implementation of construction projects, oil, gas & petrochemical industries

    Yekan Foolad
    Construction, installation & execution of all mechanical, electrical, metal framework & precision tools installations
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Yekan Foolad Activities

As a full –service contractor , Yekan Foolad completes work on construction. Yekan Foolad completes industrial Plants , refinery Plants , Power Plants Components and building Construction

Construction, installation of industrial & residential buildings
Construction & installation of various industrial units
Industrial unit service and maintenance
Transfer of technical knowledge and training
Execution of all operations CIVIL

About Yekan Foolad

As a full –service contractor , Yekan Foolad completes work on construction.Yekan Foolad completes industrial Plants , refinery Plants , Power Plants Components and building Construction.
Quality construction and timely completion are achieved from Yekan Foolad experience of doing major portion of the work with its own forces and equipment.
Yekann Foolad ‘s Performs the attached work with independently.
With Yekan Foolad Computerized estimating and Scheduling System , Accurate , realizes and timely cost estimates and construction Scheduling can be Produced for any Project.
Yekan Foolad has 20 engineers and 180 technician and others Staff and Workers.

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Projects implemented with very high man hours

Yekan Foolad Company
Yekan Foolad Company
Yekan Foolad Company

List of mechanical projects Projects Yekan Foulad
construction of heavy metal frame with very high precision and various ducts, implementation of all construction works and civil projects
Projects List

Yekan Foolad & Companies

Our management team members are professional , Good communicators , skilled facilitators , proactive problem solvers and Experienced constructor